Mable Emma Lorek
Born April 10, 1925 at Almond, Wisconsin to John and Ella Lorek, passed away Monday May 16, 2010. She now joins her parents John and Ella, baby brother Junior, and sister Dorothy Franco. She was a loved sister, aunt, and great aunt. She will be missed by the family members she left behind. Sister: Lilian Woodruff, Nieces and Nephews: Jackie and Don Whitlock, Jim and Phyllis Woodruff, John and Mickie Woodruff, Bob and Joyann Woodruff. Great Nieces and Great Nephews: Cheryl and Ron Kobernik, Patty and Paul Jordan, Leah Bailey and Chris Smith, and numerous other great great nieces and nephews. Appreciation from the family goes out to Penny, Hospice, and Callahan Village who helped her and her family in her last months. As per her request, there will be no services.