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Our History

  • A black and white photo of the chapel of the roses oak at kane st.

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  • A sign for luke herscher d.o. family practice and chi mercy lab

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  • A sign for wilson 's chapel of the roses is in front of a building

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Wilson’s Chapel of the Roses has been part of the community since 1901. The original name was Roseburg Funeral Home. The name was changed when L.L. and Marietta Powers purchased the funeral home and changed the name to Chapel of the Roses. The funeral home was located on the corners of Oak and Lane Streets.

  • A black and white photo of the chapel of the roses oak at kane st.

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  • A sign for luke herscher d.o. family practice and chi mercy lab

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  • A sign for wilson 's chapel of the roses is in front of a building

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Wilson’s Chapel of the Roses has been part of the community since 1901. The original name was Roseburg Funeral Home. The name was changed when L.L. and Marietta Powers purchased the funeral home and changed the name to Chapel of the Roses. The funeral home was located on the corners of Oak and Lane Streets.

The funeral home was purchased by Meredith and Mildred Wilson. A new funeral home was constructed at the current location on Harvard Avenue and renamed Wilson’s Chapel of the Roses. The funeral home had an open house and dedication on June 30, 1962.

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